Shudu Finds her Magic

by Shudufhadzo Musida Illustrations by Chantelle and Burgen Thorne

In this courageous and beautiful book, Miss South Africa, Shudufhadzo Musida, tells the story of her upbringing: of a delightful and outgoing girl in a small village named Ha-Vhangani. She is surrounded by a loving extended family. Things for Shudu, however, take a turn for the worse when her mother gets a new job and they move to Mpumalanga. At her new school, Shudu is bullied by her classmates. Read how Shudu overcomes the bullying and sadness, and grows into a girl, and then an adult, who has learned to love herself.

‘The one lesson I learnt is that when something bad is happening to you it is important to speak to an adult that you trust about it. This could be a parent, a family member, a teacher or an elder. Remember that being bullied is not your fault. There is nothing wrong with you. Nobody should have to go through what I went through.’ – SHUDUFHADZO MUSIDA

Published in partnership with Miss South Africa, the book is available in Afrikaans (Shudu Vind Haar Sprankel), English (Shudu Finds Her Magic), Sesotho (Shudu O Sibolla Boikgetho ba hae), Venda (Shudu u wana Vhuṱolo Hawe), Xhosa (uShudu u Fumanisa ukuba UnoMlingo) and Zulu (uShudu Uthola Umlingo Wakhe).

Shudu Finds her Magic by Shudufhadzo Musida Illustrations by Chantelle and Burgen Thorne