“Nadine Dirks has written a gripping account of her chronic and, at times, disabling struggles with endometriosis, a disease so poorly recognised and so often underplayed by most health professionals. Yet, despite adversity that few of us will ever encounter, she has not been deterred in charting her own life course on her terms. In these pages, she shares a reflection that is both honest and painful, but also firmly grounded in the appreciation of life and an intent to live it to the full, with humour and irony. This is a book that is a testament to the intentionality of the human spirit but also a must-read for every health professional in training so that they can really understand their patient’s experience of severe illness. Her story is a reminder to health care providers to practice meaningful empathy and support to any patient with a chronic and debilitating illness." Prof Leslie London Chair of Public Health Medicine in the School of Public Health and Family Medicine at the University of Cape Town