A Lute of Eleven Strings: A Story of How It May Have Been

by Jane Kirsten

Paris 1505. Tragedy strikes at the rue Daniel bookshop of Arnoul De La Porte. Alone with his little son Paoul, Arnoul finds comfort in the writings of Luther and becomes involved in the illegal Reformation Movement. As Huguenot heretics, his descendants must walk a dangerous tightrope of pretence to prevent being executed.

Luc, Arnoul’s grandson, is betrayed and escapes to relatives in Flanders with Sibylle, the daughter of his Protestant mentor.

Amid the increasing violence and bloodshed of the French religious wars the De La Portes lose loved ones, and yet the family survives.

Each generation manages to find love, build friendships with unlikely allies, Catholics and gypsies being the most notable, and heal through music and song.

This book is a must read for anyone who enjoys historical fiction. The characters are memorable, and the writer knows how to tell an epic story spanning decades.

A Lute of Eleven Strings: A Story of How It May Have Been by Jane Kirsten